Lemurian Channeling Class

Learn to Channel the Lemurian Way, a skill you will have for the rest of your life, and beyond!

Lemurian Donna Carol, a seasoned channeling teacher, will teach you how to channel the Lemurian Way. Learn to verbally channel your Lemurian Guides of the Light, who will bring in information, healing and high, high frequencies of love. Experience the awesome channeled state for yourself as you directly connect to your spirit guides through the Mother Goddess of ancient Lemuria. The angels will continually attend and attune you in this four-week intensive course. And, you will channel clearly and consistently before this class is over, guaranteed!

You will channel words of wisdom, sacred tones and healing frequencies. You will learn how to channel a public message for a group and how to do individual channeled readings. You will learn also how to channel creatively through artwork, and channel therapeutically through automatic writing. This class covers it all, and through the highest guide of all! If you ever wanted to learn how to channel, this is your class.



DaysTuesdays and Thursdays

Dates:  To be Announced

Time1-3 pm Eastern, 12-2 pm Central, 11-1 pm Mountain and 10 am-12 pm Pacific time US;                     5-7 pm Greenwich Mean Time

Cost:  $999.00

Class will be held for four weeks, for a total of sixteen hours of classroom instruction. Class will be taught over the Internet via Zoom.




Soul Class

To be Announced

In case you missed SOUL CLASS in this past December,  January, February or March 2023, it is back!  Please read what Patricia B. said about her transformational experience in December.

“I am so pleased to have participated in three amazing and powerful sessions with Lemurian Donna Carol. Each one was filled with abundant gifts to use over and over.  Initially, my Guides assured me I would never be the same If I made the commitment. I am changed!”     Patricia B.

Lemurian Donna Carol is offering a series of THREE LIVE one-hour ZOOM SESSIONS with her guides, including the Lemurian Mother Goddess, her son in Heaven, Yeshua, Archangel Michael, warrior protection angels, cleansing angels, the Arcturians, the Green Hearted Healers, the Lyrans and Alcyone. These downloads come directly from the Heavenly realms. The cost of the series of ALL THREE CLASSES is $299 plus tax, or $325.42. This is an amazing value for these transmissions and activations, under the loving eyes of the Lemurian Mother Goddess.


Please make sure that you can attend all three sessions for the dates below. Donna Carol will email you a ZOOM invitation for each of the three sessions two days before the event. Tapes of the sessions will be sent to participants afterwards.

To Be Announced:  10 am Pacific time, 11 am Mountain time, 12 pm Central time, 1 pm Eastern time (US & Canada)  5 pm GMT

A Cosmic Clearing with the Lemurian Mother Goddess, her son, Archangel Michael, the Arcturians and Alcyone

The Great Shift is now upon us. However, it is difficult for some to be LIGHT & LOVE because unbeknownst to them, they have negative attachments. Dark Energy (Demons, Reptilians, Discarnates, Parasites, Insectoids and Implants) attach to people, who do not have a clue. They make life difficult causing addictions, depression, compulsion, anger, insomnia, jealousy, grief and hatred.

We will get rid of dark energetic attachments with the help of Donna Carol’s powerful guides. We will also remove limiting beliefs, conditioned responses, outdated, self-sabotaging behaviors, negative emotions and curses. Your multi-dimensional body, homes and cars will be cleansed by the angels and Arcturians. Afterwards, you will ascend into the celestial realms and bathe in the beautiful light. Stale energy from your body will be replaced by beautiful Alcyonic energy in your chakras and meridians.

To Be Announced:  10 am Pacific time, 11 am Mountain time, 12 pm Central time, 1 pm Eastern time (US & Canada)  5 pm GMT

The Arcturians Bring in Your Divine Physical Templates of Perfect Health into the Body

 The Green Hearted Healers exchange Timelines of Illness, Grief and Pain for ones of Great Health, Happiness and Abundance

The Arcturians are the master healers in this galaxy. They are kind enough to download your perfect divine blueprints of health. After the downloads, we will connect your existing organs and systems to the divine templates, where you can start receiving instructions to heal the physical body.

The Green Hearted Healers are fun light-beings who came to heal Donna Carol in 2019. They are 12th dimensional beings from another universe that never experienced darkness. They are here to help! They have the ability to switch timelines, and that is what they will do for you. Their frequency will bring in a higher reality of good health, unconditional love and abundance for you, by upgrading your existing timelines. They are amazing beings and you will love working with them.

To Be Announced:  10 am Pacific time, 11 am Mountain time, 12 pm Central time, 1 pm Eastern time (US & Canada)  5 pm GMT

The Son of the Lemurian Mother Goddess Downloads Your Divine Soul Signature and Divine Soul Mission

The Lyrans Bring in Lyran Love Codes

The Lemurian Mother Goddess Bathes you in Pink Heavenly Love

We end up our series by downloading your divine soul signature, the sound or melody that came into being when your soul was born. It is unique to you. After that your divine soul mission will be brought into your heart and body from the soul star chakra. You will integrate it into Mother Earth. This is facilitated by the son of the Lemurian Mother Goddess in Heaven.

The Lyrans are ancient and powerful galactic beings. We will bring in ancient 12th dimensional Lyran love codes that will expand your heart with unconditional love, courage and wisdom.

Lastly, the Lemurian Mother Goddess will join in, bathing you in her frequency and imparting the color pink into your body and aura. This will bring in her nurturance, divine love, support and compassion for all of humanity and other lifeforms on Earth.

You can defer payment for up to six months with PayPal credit. If you would like to register, just click on the link below.


Dates:  To be Announced
         Time:  10 am Pacific time, 11 am Mountain time, 12 pm Central time, 1 pm Eastern time                    (US & Canada); 5 pm GMT
  Cost:  $299.00 plus tax

Crystals for Healing

Date to be Announced

1 hr 30 minutes | $65.00

Past-Life Regression with Archangel Metatron

Date to be Announced

1 hr 30 minutes | $65.00

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