“Lucifer Returns to Heaven: A Message of Redemption,” Donna Carol’s latest channeled book is available now at Amazon and other booksellers.


Lemurian Donna Carol

Clairvoyant Channeler

Lemurian Donna Carol is the original channel for the Lemurian Mother Goddess, an ancient aspect of Prime Creator. The Mother Goddess lived on a continent in the Pacific Ocean that sunk long ago. This original Garden of Eden was the homeland of the sacred feminine principle. Here, divine nurturance, fertility, communication and love were the normal way of life. It is Donna Carol’s divine soul mission to bring this energy back to Terra Nova, or Earth.

Donna Carol has a BA in Architectural History and an MBA in Marketing. She has been meditating since 1996. She is certified in HeartThread Healing, IET – Integrated Energy Therapy and Laughter Yoga. She offers individual spiritual readings, Metabody healing sessions, HeartThread healing sessions, publicly channeled messages, channeling courses, monthly spiritual cleanses, and group conscious breathwork sessions. Check out her offerings.

Lemurians are awakening at this time.  They will move into a new Lemuria where the Divine Mother Goddess resides.  The Lemurian Way is the calling card of the Lemurian culture.  One becomes honest, trustworthy, gentle and nurturing.  One interacts with an open heart and always considers the other first.  One carries a high frequency marked by peace, love and understanding.  We are moving towards the Lemurian Way en-masse.

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The Song of Lemuria – A Channeled History

Do you remember the Song of Lemuria? Do you long for the time when all were as one, living on the Earth in sacred harmony… loving God and all of her Creation without any qualms? Do you want to return to this amazing time, even if it is only for an hour or so?

Lemuria was an ancient oceanic culture in the Pacific Ocean. Please listen as Lemurian Donna Carol recollects the Motherland, and let your heart soar with the memory.

Click here to download

(Then right click the player as choose “Save Audio As…” to save to your device.)

Crystal Love and the Healing Waters of Manataka

Manataka, the name rolls off the tongue, with promises of peace and healing. This legendary valley was a meeting place for Native Americans for thousands of years. It is spoken of in the oral tradition of many tribes. But what was its purpose?

The sacred crystal caves of Manataka produced healing crystals of a high vibration that are still available today. They were seeded by the Pleiadians and used by Native Americans to heal and gather information. The crystals worked in conjunction with the healing hot springs of Manataka.

Located in Arkansas, the area was considered highly sacred and was known as the Valley of the Vapors in pre-Colombian days. Tribes from all over North and South America met at the valley to communicate with Prime Creator, and each other. Eventually the springs were capped and exploited, and the caves disappeared. However, the healing energy remains in this special place.

Donna Carol has been gifted Manataka crystals from the land and uses them in her work.

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Spiritual Readings, Spiritual Healings, plus HeartThread Healing Sessions can be done over-the-phone, or through Zoom or Skype.  For more information, fill out the following contact form: